ISINI is much indebted to Professor Andries Nentjes, who passed away in March 2019, at the age of 80.
Andries Nentjes was Professor of Economics and Public Finance at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands during more than thirty years.
His celebrated academic work encompasses history of economic thought, macroeconomics, post-Keynesian theories and his favorite subject: environmental economics. He is considered a founding father of the environmental economics in the Netherlands. His paper with Simon Kuipers (1973) that elaborated the relation between increasing costs of pollution and limits to economic growth triggered new research. This innovative paper on sustainable growth showed that specific conditions need to be fulfilled regarding technical progress in order to prevent economic stagnation.
As an environmental voluntarist in front of the European Parliament and Dutch government and as supporter of social entrepreneurs Andries fostered environmental organizations, business and policy making. Andries also helped to revive ISINI. His dedication to science, his warm personality and his sense of humor will never be forgotten.
With this year’s conference we wish to honor Professor Andries Nentjes by doing exactly what he always loved: the academic debate in a critical, friendly and supportive manner.
Papers are invited for the Memorial Session, and publication in a Special Issue of the Central European Review of Economics and Management ( to the honor of Andries Nentjes. Papers for this special issue can also be submitted without conference participation. An important aim of CEREM is to stimulate open-minded discussion of new ideas, new applications of old ideas as well as development of interdisciplinary approaches to current challenges in economics and management. In the spirit of Andries Nentjes scientific heritage, we invite papers on the following issues:
- Current developments in environmental economics, environmental law and the political aspects of environmental protection
- Economics of environmental policy (e.g. climate change, biodiversity management)
- Technological innovation and sustainable economic growth
- Environment, growth and sustainability in the history of economic thought, legal sciences and political sciences
- Other topics relevant to environmental economics, environmental law, politics and policy
Abstract submission: 15 April 2020
Notification of acceptance of abstract: 31 April 2020
Submission of full paper: 30 June 2020
Publication: September or December 2020
Edwin Woerdman (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), Yoram Krozer (Sustainable Innovations Academy, The Netherlands) and Joost Platje (WSB University in Wrocław, Poland)
Please send submissions via e-mail to: Prof. Joost Platje ( or Prof. Yoram Krozer (
Nentjes, A., Kuipers, S. (1973), Pollution in a neo-classical world: The classics rehabilitated?, Economics, 121(1), 52-67.