Guest Editors:

Ali Emrouznejad, Aston Business School, UK,

Francisco Vargas Serrano, University of Sonora, Mexico,

This special issue aims to focus on holistic, applied research on Performance Measurement with applications in Developing Countries and for publication of relevant applied research to bridge the gap between industry and academia. We, therefore, seek high-quality papers that will contribute significantly to performance improvement of Developing Countries. Applications of both non-parametric methods such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and parametric methods such as Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) will be considered.


In order to determine the relevance of DEA and SFA studies in developing countries, it is necessary to be aware of the context in which they develop. It is important to acknowledge the profound asymmetry with respect to the so-called first world countries. In this context, developing countries account for 84 percent of the world’s population and generate only 37 percent of the total GDP. In contrast, developed countries account for 63 percent of the world GDP and only account for 16 percent of the global population.

The poverty is one of the major issue in developing countries with about 50% of population living on poverty in some countries such as Latin America and Africa. The level of poverty does not exceed 20% in developed countries.

The fraction of GDP countries spend on research is another indicator of asymmetry in developing countries in comparison with developed countries. The world average GDP is 2.12 percent, Latin American countries do not reach 1 percent (.82).  This does not compare with countries like South Korea, which devotes 4.3 percent of GDP to research. The Euro Zone compares with the global average (2.12) and in contrast, the ratio of low-income countries barely reaches 0.54 of GDP.

These asymmetries are reflected in the relative scarcity of resources, human capacity, finance, facilities, as well as geographic and sociocultural barriers to the effective application of knowledge and technologies. Research lag in developing countries makes difficult to take advantage of existing and emerging new technologies and knowledge. Furthermore, problems of low productivity percuss in poverty and inequality.

The Frontier Efficiency Methodologies of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA) techniques are seldom applied in real application in developing countries. As optimization techniques, they could be a useful tool for multiple tasks: improving efficiency and productivity, evaluating policies, designing incentives and reshaping plans and programs, both in public and private sectors.  The application of frontier technologies would benefit both producers and consumers, as well as the performance of the public sector in the efficient provision of public health services, education, health, energy, transportation, etc.

Making decisions supported by DEA and SFA techniques to serve the population in extreme poverty could be a very useful tool. It would also be useful in addressing critical security issues in order to evaluate policies aimed at reducing violence and crime.

This special issue is devoted to Applications of DEA and SFA to Developing Countries. We invite high quality papers on both Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA) applications which could contribute to efficiency improving in developing countries. New models, methodological approaches supported by real case studies are all also welcome.

Please send the abstracts to:

Prof. Ali Emrouznejad (Aston Business School, UK),


Prof. Francisco Vargas Serrano (University of Sonora, Mexico),

Important dates:

30 June 2017 : Submission of Abstract
15 July 2017  : Notification of status invitation to submit full paper
31 August 2017  : Deadline for submission of full paper
10 October 2017  : Notification of acceptance or invitation for revision of paper
30 November 2017  : Final version of paper
December 2017  : Publication

The abstracts should have the following structure:

Aim: The author(s) should shortly explain the reason or motivation for taking up the research problem (why is the topic important?), and what is the objective or aim of the research. The aim should be clearly formulated, and be specific enough to be achieved within the range of the paper.

Design / Research methods: The authors should clearly explain the way in which the aim or objective is achieved. The main research methods as well as the approach to the research should be provided that enable effective dealing with the paper’s aim.

Conclusions / findings: What are the main results of the research? The authors should refer to the analysis, discussion or results of the paper in order to show the main findings.

Originality / value of the article: Within the context of the current state of the art in science, what is new or what is the scientific value added of the paper? For whom would the paper be of interest?

Implications of the research (if applicable): How and to what extent can the results of the research be applied to practice? What are the consequences of application of the findings of the research to practice?

Limitations of the research (if applicable): Does the research imply directions or suggestions for future research? What are the limitations of the research methods used? What are the limitations of the implications of the research findings Keywords:


JEL codes:

Please refer to the Journal information for author guidelines:



The Central European Review of Economics and Management (CEREM) is an open-access scientific journal, focusing on state-of-the-art theoretical as well as empirical studies in the field of economics and management. It aims to create a platform for exchange of knowledge and ideas between research, business, governmental and other actors. Besides more traditional scientific papers, the journal welcomes conceptual papers, opinion papers and policy discussions from academic, corporate, governmental and civil society representatives.

An important aim of CEREM is to stimulate open-minded discussion of new ideas, new applications of old ideas as well as development of interdisciplinary approaches to current challenges in economics and management. This is of particular importance in the substantial changes that have taken place and are expected to take place in the world.

The principle of double-blind peer review applies. Contributions should be original and previously unpublished. Articles submitted to the Central European Review of Economics and Management should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.