Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baha Karan, Hacettepe University, Dept. of Business Administration, Ankara, Turkey:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kazim Baris Atici, Hacettepe University, Dept. of Business Administration, Ankara, Turkey:
Behavioral research has been making significant contributions in different areas of business and economics research increasingly after 1990s. Obviously, measuring, modelling, interpreting the human behavior and adapting the results in business decision making are all challenging tasks. However, both the academia and the business world has made and continue making tremendous progress with improving research methodologies and the help of continuously advancing technological capabilities. Nowadays, it is possible to observe the introduction of new areas in business and economics research with “behavioral” emphasis. This special issue aims to contribute to such research attempts with papers focusing on behavioral aspects of economics, finance, accounting, operations management and operations research. We are open for submissions of empirical or theoretical research using either quantitative or qualitative methods that aims to explore modelling or explaining of human behavior in the business environment.
Topics of the special issue include (but are not limited to):
- Behavioral Economics
- Behavioral Finance
- Behavioral Accounting
- Behavioral Operations Management
- Behavioral Operations Research
- Decision Analysis
- Group Decision Making
- Social Network Analysis
- Market Anomalies and Market Efficiency
- Heuristics and Biases
- System Dynamics
- Data Mining
- Simulation Modelling
- Content Analysis
- Sentiment Analysis
Further questions and abstract submission
Please send your abstract (maximum 1000 words) to:
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baha Karan, Hacettepe University, Dept. of Business Administration, Ankara, Turkey:
and / or
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kazim Baris Atici, Hacettepe University, Dept. of Business Administration, Ankara, Turkey:
The abstracts should have the following structure:
Aim: The author(s) should shortly explain the reason or motivation for taking up the research problem (why is the topic important?), and what is the objective or aim of the research. The aim should be clearly formulated, and be specific enough to be achieved within the range of the paper.
Design / Research methods: The authors should clearly explain the way in which the aim or objective is achieved. The main research methods as well as the approach to the research should be provided that enable effective dealing with the paper’s aim.
Conclusions / findings: What are the main results of the research? The authors should refer to the analysis, discussion or results of the paper in order to show the main findings.
Originality / value of the article: Within the context of the current state of the art in science, what is new or what is the scientific value added of the paper? For whom would the paper be of interest?
Implications of the research (if applicable): How and to what extent can the results of the research be applied to practice? What are the consequences of application of the findings of the research to practice?
Limitations of the research (if applicable): Does the research imply directions or suggestions for future research? What are the limitations of the research methods used? What are the limitations of the implications of the research findings Keywords:
Keywords: provide 5 keywords in alphabetical order
JEL codes: provide the JEL codes applicable for your paper
Important dates:
15 October 2019: Submission of Abstract
30 October 2019: Notification of status invitation to submit full paper
31 December 2019: Deadline for submission of full paper
June 2020: Publication